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Radio Is an Easy Bet to Attract Lottery Ticket Purchasers.

After a slight decrease in total 2020 US lottery revenues, 2021 was a record-breaking year, according to the North American Association of State & Provincial Lotteries. Sales increased 18.5% or $15.3 billion to a total of $98.1 billion. Almost every state with a lottery experienced double-digit increases.

Many Americans who purchase lottery tickets spend more time listening to radio than the total population and any popular stereotypes are proven erroneous by the analysis of proprietary data in The Media Audit’s 49-Market 2021 Aggregate Report.

First, the report indicates the average age of any adult who purchased a lottery ticket during the past four weeks was 50.6, their average household income was $70,737 and 40.4% had a single and/or advanced college degree. Plus, the largest percentage (39.4%) are white-collar workers, but blue-collar workers over-indexed the most at 152.

A different picture emerges when diving deeper into The Media Audit data, especially when investigating with which media adults spend most of their daily time. They over-index for heavy exposure to radio (180+ minutes during an average day) at 125, with direct mail (read 75%+ weekly) and newspaper (60+ minutes during an average day) slightly more at 127 each.

Dissecting those adults’ radio listening shows the strongest affinity is among young adults and those adults who identify as LGBT+. Unsurprisingly, Baby Boomers and members of the Silent Generation who purchased lottery tickets during the past four weeks over-index the most for heavy exposure to TV, but radio is where to engage with the young adults.

The Media Audit 2021 Aggregate Report also reveals those who are employed either full- or part-time and bought a lottery ticket during the past four weeks over-indexed for heavy exposure to radio. Those who over-index for heavy exposure to TV are either retired or not employed and looking for work.

Young adults (Gen Zers and Millennials) who purchase lottery tickets and over-index for heavy exposure to radio are also attracted to many entertainment options. The Media Audit data shows they over-index for having attended a movie theater during the past four weeks and a country music concert and a major theme park during the past 12 months. These are the most mobile generations and many advertisers trying to engage with them will find radio is the most efficient and effective ad medium.

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