While America’s growing Hispanic population — with a $3.2 trillion GDP, according to the latest figures from the Latino Donor Collaborative — make a strong case for this consumer segment when it comes to advertising, it’s radio’s reach of Hispanics that drives home the point.
“If businesses want to experience growth, they need to be sure to connect with Latinos, [and] the surest form of media that connects and engages with Hispanics is broadcast radio,” RAB Senior VP/Insights Annette Malave says in RAB’s “Radio Matters” blog. “Broadcast radio reaches more Hispanics 18 and older than any other medium. Its reach is greater than video options — with listeners of all ages.”
Based on figures from Nielsen’s Audience Insights, AM/FM radio’s reach across all Hispanic demographic groups outscores Live+Time-shifted TV, with wide margins between the two among younger demos. Radio reached 83% of teens vs. TV’s 48%, moving to 89% and 52% respectively for Hispanic adults 21-24.
“While Hispanics are an important consumer segment, Hispanics who are heavy radio listeners are even more attractive as consumers when compared to their TV cohorts,” Malave says. “Hispanic heavy radio listeners are younger, employed in white-collar positions and have a higher household income.”
Additional research from Nielsen shows that when 20% of an ad budget originally allocated for a TV- and digital-only campaign is shifted to radio, the result is a 30% increase in reaching more potential buyers. The blog also cites Scarborough data showing how Latino radio listeners show greater likelihood to spend $400+ on groceries, travel overseas, purchase children’s clothing, or visit a casino.
“No matter how you look at it, using broadcast radio to reach, connect and engage [with Hispanics] is a must,” Malave says, noting that the segment accounted for nearly 71% of total U.S. population growth, according to the latest U.S. Census report. “In 2023, Hispanics were the second largest group, per this data.”