One-third of Americans now own a smart speaker. That is up from 27% who said they own at least one smart speaker in 2020, such as an Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or another brand. The finding is from the forthcoming Infinite Dial 2021 report, which will be released by Edison Research and Triton Digital on Thursday.
In another dribble of data made public ahead of the presentation, Edison also reports that among people who work from home, 49% said they own at least one smart speaker. Since more white collar positions have shifted to a work-from-home setting than blue collar and service sector jobs, that finding may be as much a reflection of socioeconomic factors as media habits.

The Infinite Dial 2021 data is based on 1,507 persons aged 12 and older who were interviewed by telephone between Jan. 4 and Feb. 2. The sample included respondents with both landline phones and mobile phones. The survey was offered in both Spanish and English. Edison says its data was weighted to national 12+ U.S. population estimates.
Edison and Triton Digital will present the complete Infinite Dial study during a webinar scheduled for Thursday, March 11 at 2pm ET. Register HERE.