The Spanish-language podcast market continues to grow, and advertisers targeting Hispanics will now have another way to track the segment. Magellan AI has launched a new monitoring service of Spanish-language podcasts in the U.S. and Mexico that it says will provide data and analytics to buyers and sellers of podcast inventory.
“Magellan AI provides the most accurate reflection of the podcast advertising landscape. A missing piece of that landscape is the monitoring of Spanish language podcasts in the U.S.,” said CEO Cameron Hendrix in the announcement.
Similar to the English-language service Magellan AI offers in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K., and Germany, the Spanish-language service will track which brands are spending and estimate how big those budgets are. Buyers use the data for media planning and ad validation. Sellers use it to better understand what brands and agencies they should be prospecting. “Millions of downloads are being monetized each month on Spanish language podcasts in the U.S. Until now there wasn’t a good way for sellers to find those advertisers, and buyers to find those shows,” Chief Revenue Officer John Goforth said. “This product fills that gap.”
The Spanish-language version of the platform launches with data on more than two thousand advertisers in the U.S. That compares to 70,000 brands and 45,000 shows it tracks in English worldwide.