The latest analysis of Nielsen data from PPM markets by the Radio Research Consortium (RRC) shows an increase in AQH listening and average weekly cume from Winter 2022 to Spring 2022.
For the 45 PPM metros, the Spring 2022 quarter (Apr/May/Jun) shows both Total Market AQH Persons (also known as Persons Using Measured Media, or PUMM) and Total Market Average Weekly Cume Persons are up over the Winter 2022 quarter (Jan/Feb/Mar).
Total PUMM for Spring 2022 was 7,812,300 compared to 7,501,600 (P6+, M-Su, 6a-12a) in Winter 2022, an increase of 4%. The average weekly cume was up 2%, from 128,733,600 in Winter 2022 to 131,394,600 in Spring of this year across the 45 PPM markets.
RRC data also reveals that Out-Of-Home listening, which dropped below 4,000,000 PUMM in Spring 2020, at the height of the pandemic, has leveled off and was at 5,120,700 in the Spring 2022 quarter. In-home listening remains flat over the past two years, moving from 2,749,900 PUMM in Winter 2020 to 2,692,100 in the Spring 2022 quarter.
The RRC found similar results in Average Weekly Cume Persons based on listening locations. In Winter 2020, In-Home Listening was at 30%, peaking at 42% in Spring 2020, and now sits at 34% in the Spring 2022 report. Out-of-Home listening, which dropped to 58% in Spring 2020 is now at 66% in Spring 2022, four percentage points away from its Winter 2020 number.
Mon-Fri, 6a-7p listening is up in the spring but not quite to the recent high reported in Fall 2021. In Spring 2022, PUMM was 10,172,600, up slightly from Winter 2022, but not at the 10,361,300 level recorded in Fall 2021.
Additionally, middays (Mon-Fri, 10am-3pm) have the most AQH listening in the Spring 2022 quarter at 10,481,400 PUMM. Afternoon drive (Mon-Fri, 3-7pm) follows (10,162,700), while mornings (Mon-Fri, 6-10am) account for 9,570,000 across the 45 PPM metros.