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Podcast Companies Offer Brands Guidance On The Most Effective Ad Creative.

One recent creative test for the maker or AI tools used three podcast messages of varying lengths to set up a creative measurement test to determine which ads work best for engagement, recall, and increase in intent. NPR says the results showed :15-second ads were most effective in brand recall while :60s had best intent lift. Its conclusion was a mix of lengths work together for an effective campaign. And after testing over 150 NPR sponsorship messages, NPR says it determined some key elements of the best-performing spots including copy that mentions clear benefits that are relevant to our audience. 

Insights such as those are including in a new collection of podcast creative best practices shared with marketers by several industry players. The IAB has released them in a guide for advertisers.

Ad Results Media says the most engaging host reads it has heard in 2024 all have one thing in common – they sound like content or part of the show, not a commercial break. It also suggest brands “think smaller for bigger results” and embrace niche podcast genres. “Small genres and show-specific tweaks can make a big difference to ad perfor­mance,” the audio ad buying shop says. ‘Personalized, genre-specific messaging lets your copy resonate like it’s made for each listener, and with advancements in AI ad serving and creative versioning expanding faster than ever – now is the time test,” it tells marketers.

The team at iHeartPodcasts says advertisers also need to consider placement concluding pre-roll or first in pod should be the most direct and engaging because the listener is excited to get to the content they’ve come to hear. But iHeart says midroll ads can be “more thoughtful” and can take advantage of contextual targeting. Longer units can work well here, iHeart says, while advising post-pod ads are all about conversion. 

Wondery tells advertisers to make sure their commercials are “non-disruptive” and scripts are written to reflect how people actually speak rather than being “robotic” or full of jargon. And it says the call to action should be clear and easy to understand, while the copy should be inclusive. “Ads should strive to avoid the possibility of our audience feeling offended, demeaned, or harmed by the content of the ad,” it tells marketers.

SiriusXM’s advice to brands is they should focus on creating a genuine connection with host read ads saying voice talent trained for the podcast medium, paired with scripts tailored to engage that attentive mindset, must also be mindful of podcast listeners’ leaned-in nature.

“This attentive frame of mind is golden for advertisers, but it also gives them a responsi­bility to craft messaging that aligns seamlessly within the podcast environment,” says Chelsea Campbell, Group Creative Director Studio Resonate at SiriusXM Media.

Veritonic says “brand early and often” saying it “meaningfully helps to increase both recall and memorability.” It also suggests that longer ads aren’t necessarily better as a standard, cre­ative testing shows 30-second ads perform optimally across the board. It also points to its earlier studies that find a single voiceover typically out­performs two voices, ads with voiceovers by the brand’s founder outperform other, and evidence shows that female voices perform equally—and in some cases better—than male voices. Veritonic also says background music doesn’t typically sway intent and memorability significantly.

The IAB says its new Podcast Creative Best Practices guide is a follow up to its Podcasting in the Creator Economy report released earlier this year that highlighted the benchmark beating capability of podcasters to create value for advertisers due to the uniquely high levels of influence they have with global consumers.

Download the IAB Podcast Creative Best Practices guide HERE.

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