Nielsen has issued updated Radio Market Survey Population and Rankings for the Spring 2022 survey, which began last Thursday. A total of 253 radio metros are re-ranked based on updated population numbers. While the top ten remains unchanged, there are numerous shifts in markets 11-50 and beyond.
Seattle moves up one position to No. 11, pushing Miami from 11 to 12. After sliding down the ranker in past surveys, Detroit reverses that trend, moving from 14 to 13 while Phoenix does the opposite and drops from 13 to 14. Puerto Rico climbs two positions, from 18 to 16, as San Diego falls to 17 from 16 and Tampa drops to 18 from 17.
Baltimore is another top 25 market making a two-position jump in the new rankings, advancing from 23 to 21, trading places with Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill (21-23).
Sacramento slips one position to 28, allowing Salt Lake City to move up one slot to 27. Las Vegas advances 30-29 while Orlando tumbles three positions (29-32). Pittsburgh and Austin both advance one position – Pittsburgh moves 31-30 and Austin goes 32-31.
Hudson Valley and Nashville trade places with the north of New York City metro now ranked No. 40 while Music City is No. 41. Middlesex-Somerset-Union (43-42) and Milwaukee-Racine (42-43) also swap slots. So do West Palm Beach-Boca Raton (48-47) and Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point (47-48).
Download the entire list HERE.