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Katz: Radio Campaign For University Spikes Web Traffic 22%.

Even an institution of higher learning can learn something by advertising on radio.

Partnering with Katz Radio Group, an unnamed college launched a five-month campaign to promote one of its academic programs with 30-second and 15-second spots on several AM/FM radio stations, with the goal of increasing online engagement. By matching radio log times to the university’s web data using LeadsRx, Katz Analytics was able to measure the ad campaign’s effectiveness by tracking its impact on web engagement in the market.

What they found was highly encouraging for the university, which saw a 22.3% boost in web traffic as a result of the radio ads, with the 30- and 15-second spots driving an equal share of attributed web sessions.

Further proving the power of the campaign, the college also experienced a 7% increase in daily web traffic during the days the ads aired vs. when they didn’t, including a six-week hiatus.

“The study provided the university with evidence that the radio campaign was effective at driving online engagement and interest in their academic program,” Katz’s report says. “The stations delivered listeners that were in-category and receptive to messaging promoting higher education programs.”

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