Ophthalmologists and optical centers across the U.S. are reporting increasing requests – as much as 35% – from patients for Lasik eye surgery.
Many people are complaining about foggy glasses from wearing masks and, even if they wear contact lenses, they are reluctant to put their fingers near their eyes for fear of the COVID-19 virus entering there. It may be convenient for people to work at home, but ophthalmologists are hearing more stories about eyestrain, eye fatigue and dry eyes.
According to data from The Media Audit’s 60-market 2020 aggregate survey, 78.9% of adults 18+ planning Lasik eye surgery during the next 12 months are aged 18-44, making the demo the prime target audience for this procedure.
“A deeper investigation of The Media Audit data reveals radio reaches 80% of these adults,” said Nick Miller, VP, The Media Audit. “Almost all of the 80% (76.0%) listen to at least 60 minutes of radio during an average day. Plus, the 35.8% who listen 180 or more minutes daily over-index by 47%.”
Interestingly, more members of minority groups aged 18-44 are planning Lasik eye surgery than their Caucasian counterparts. According to the survey, 5.0% of Latinx Americans, 3.6% of African Americans and 3.5% of Asian Americans plan to do so, compared to 2.4% of Caucasian Americans.
In this context, it’s also important to emphasize how young the Latinx American population skews. According to the Pew Research Center, Latinx Americans’ median age was 30 during 2019, compared to 44 for Caucasian Americans, 35 for African Americans and 38 for Asian Americans.
“Advertisers continue to require a more-than-subtle nudge not to overlook the enormous buying power of the Latinx American community,” said Miller. “It is forecast to increase to $1.9 trillion by 2022 and with such a young median age, young Latinx Americans are spending a substantial share of those dollars.”
The pandemic and/or its after-effects will continue into 2021 and many of the people working at home today plan to work at home permanently. More Americans, especially young adults, will consider Lasik eye surgery – and radio is where to engage with them.