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Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk Says More Bang For The Buck Comes From Advertising On Radio.

A strong endorsement for running radio ads comes from entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, the five-time New York Times bestselling author, CEO of VaynerMedia, and Chairman of VaynerX.

Appearing on “Ad Age Remotely,” Vaynerchuk joins Ad Age technology, digital, and media reporter Garett Sloane for a wide-ranging discussion on marketing, including the decline of print, and issues with programmatic digital advertising, while praising the value of radio.

Vaynerchuk tells Sloane that he used print advertising heavily in the late 90s and early 2000s, however today he doesn’t see the value.

“When I look at what print is asking for full-page ads in the top publications today, versus its current circulations versus the common sense that [asks] ‘are people actually consuming that ad?’… I think it’s a real challenge to justify the rates,” he says in the interview.

Vaynerchuk says a lot of digital advertising is “really bad and overpriced.”

Pre-roll ads, banner ads “and a lot of the programmatic digital ads are just there to spray, and prey, and disrupt, and I don’t believe they’re being consumed,” he continued.

“If you’re really thinking about traditional [advertising] means. I think drive-time radio is a more interesting dollar spent.”

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