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Edison Sees Second Quarter Rebound In Podcast Listening Among Young Adults.

After several quarters of softening daily reach numbers among young adults, Edison Research says podcasting’s reach among 13 to 34 year olds jumped by nearly a third during the second quarter. Its Share of Ear reports says 29% of young adults listened to a podcast on a daily basis. That is the best number since the start of 2021. Edison says that drove the total population estimate of daily podcast listeners up to 16%, its highest level in a year.

“It’s reassuring to see a mid-year bounce back in daily listening among the age group that reported this year’s largest reduction in podcast listening,” said Senior Director of Research Gabriel Soto.

The new numbers come after Edison released its annual Infinite Dial report in March and it showed a three-point decline in the monthly podcast listening in the U.S. The largest decline in monthly listening occurred among 12-34 year olds.

“Ultimately, a mid-year check-in points to a normalization of podcast listening instead of a complete downturn,” Soto says in a blog post.

Edison’s quarterly Share of Ear reports are based on a rolling national diary-based survey of 4,000 Americans aged 13 and older.

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