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Census Bureau Allocates $75 Million Of Advertising To Increase Response Rates In Rural Areas.

The National Association of Broadcasters has been working with the U.S. Census Bureau to use local broadcast advertising as they look to increase census response rates in areas that fall below the national average. The Census Bureau has already been a consistent top 10 radio advertiser since late February, according to Media Monitors, which tracks national advertising in 85 markets.

Now the Census Bureau has announced a $75 million RFP process for advertising that will target mostly rural areas beginning in August and September.

The Alabama Association of Broadcasters and the Georgia Association of Broadcasters, among others, are encouraging member stations to submit proposals as soon as possible, as the media planning and buying window is already underway. Ad contracts will be approved in July for the August start date.

The ABA is helping local broadcasters in the process with a series of screenshots as one goes through the proposal process, which can be viewed HERE.

Similar advertising may be available in your market; inquire with your state broadcasters association.

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