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Are Local Radio Listeners Consuming More? A New Study Says They Think So.

Radio listeners have the perception that they’re listening to more local radio now than before the pandemic, and the medium’s ease of use — even in an era of expanding audio choices — is a key driver of why listeners feel that way.

Those are just two of the findings that have emerged from the first of a three-part webinar series called “What Workers Want,” a national study of U.S. workers’ audio usage that, according to a news release, is a first-of-its kind study that covers topics like audio consumption, perceptions, expectations and desires.

The research was conducted by Fort Collins, CO-based Point-To-Point Marketing, an audience development company, and Lancaster, PA-based Strategic Solutions Research, a full-service market research firm.

The webinars — the first is slated for Thursday (April 11, 2024) — will be conducted by Point-To-Point CEO Tim Bronsil and Hal Rood, EVP/Partner of Strategic Solutions Research.

“Our goal is to provide intelligence that will help maximize research, marketing, ratings, and revenue,” Bronsil says in the news release. “We are very excited to share our industry wisdom and new-found knowledge.”

Adds Rood: “This research shows how radio is unique in meaningful ways. This study will help radio zero in on what matters most to listeners. We’re hopeful the ‘What Workers Want’ webinars will help focus radio’s approach.”

The research, among other things, has found that full-time workers who commute are driving radio’s usage, a finding that Nielsen has also shown. Local radio wins nearly 2-to-1 among full-time workers while they commute. Radio, however, has greater challenges among those who work part-time.

The research also found that radio wins versus digital service providers like Spotify 3-to-1 in the car, but loses 2-to-1 when it comes to at-home usage.

Additionally, the research found, one in four workers who are likely to participate in an audience ratings survey feels that contests would motivate them to listen more to local radio.

The webinar schedule is as follows: Thursday, April 11 (2pm ET), Part 1: Profile of the Commute and What Drives Engagement to Radio; Tuesday, April 23 (2pm), Part 2: The Workday and Headphone Usage; and Thursday, May 2 (2pm), Part 3: Contesting, Marketing, and a Profile of Likely Ratings Participants.

For more information or to sign up, CLICK HERE.

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