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Acast Workshop Geared To Bring More LGBTQ Voices To Podcasting.

Acast created the Aclass series of events to “celebrate and amplify” the voices from underrepresented communities in podcasting. The next event in that series is timed to Pride Month as it invites members of the LGBTQ community interested in joining the ranks of podcasters to a virtual workshop on Wednesday, June 17.

Aclass: Queer Voices will feature established podcasters sharing their experiences on building shows and breaking into digital audio as creators. They’ll also receive tactical strategies and tips to help create and develop podcasts.

“Podcasting has its roots in independent creators voicing diverse perspectives,” said Becky Celestina, Content Partnerships Coordinator at Acast. “We want Aclass: Queer Voices to provide queer storytellers with tools and insights that empower them to share their experiences.”

The 90-minute event will feature a panel of guests, including Aida Osman of Keep It!, Jake Anthony and Matt Marr of 90 Day Gays, and Tuck Woodstock of Gender Reveal. It will be moderated by Dino-Ray Ramos, Associate Editor at Deadline and co-host of Deadline’s New Hollywood podcast.

“The world of podcasting is full of creators from different backgrounds, identities and experiences, but certain communities aren’t afforded the resources and opportunities that others are. Our hope with Aclass is for it to play a part in closing that gap,” said Veronika Taylor, Content Director at Acast. “Queer creators in particular have experiences that are often left out of the conversation. Aclass: Queer Voices aims to provide a specific space for queer storytellers to learn and share.”

Get more details about the event and signup to attend HERE.

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