Once again, companies that conduct most of their business online dominate the top radio advertisers for the week of July 18-24, using radio to drive traffic to their websites and apps. The top three accounts remain the same as the week prior with Upside, the mobile app that allows users to save on gas and grocery purchases,at No. 1, auto insurance carrier Progressive at 2 and the online employment recruiting service Indeed at No. 3. Indeed was radio’s top advertiser for the first six months of 2022 and for all of 2021.
Other online businesses in the top ten include ZipRecruiter at No. 4 and language learning app Babbel at No. 10.
The biggest mover in the upper reaches of the chart is Kohl’s which advances from No. 20 to eight for its highest ranking in years. Kohl’s is already promoting back to school sales and, with 32,487 spots, it ranks as the week’s top department store, eclipsing JC Penney at No. 26 and Macy’s at No. 30. Meanwhile, online retail giant Amazon.com moves up to No. 25 with 19,750 spot occurrences.
In the competitive auto parts sector, NAPA Auto Parts returns to radio at No. 72 with 7,806 spots for its new “Get Up & Go” campaign. Once a top 20 radio advertiser, NAPA pulled back on its airwaves presence during the past five years. Now the nearly 100-year-old company is launching a new brand campaign, platform and tagline that includes radio in the media mix.
The growing nutritional supplements category places three brands in Media Monitors’ top 100 radio advertisers for the week: Pharmavite’s Uquora at No. 80, with 6,787 spots; Promedev’s Relief Factor placed 5,782 spots to land at No. 91; and Procter & Gamble’s Voost at No. 96 with 5,546 spots.
For the week of July 18-24, the top ten on the Media Monitors tally are Upside at 1, Progressive at 2, Indeed at 3, ZipRecruiter at 4, Lowe’s at 5, iHeartRadio at 6, Grainger at 7, Kohl’s at 8, Babbel at 9 and the “Facing Evil” podcast at 10.