In the menu of media options, podcast listeners have plenty of choices. But a majority of them are taking the all-you-can-eat approach to their audio habits. A new Veritonic survey of podcast consumers finds a majority are multichannel audio listeners. Seven in ten (71%) of those surveyed said they listen to AM/FM radio at least monthly. And another 43% listen to radio’s streamed audio. Plus nearly eight in ten (78%) say they use music streaming services at least once a month.
“Households with between $50,000 and $100,000 are most engaged with consuming media across platforms,” said Theresa Vallejo, Digital Marketing Manager at Veritonic. “Age is most significant for podcast listeners that stream music and listen to AM/FM radio. Listeners in the 55+ demographic are more likely to listen to radio and those in the 18-34 demographic are more likely to stream music,” she said during a webinar on Thursday.

The survey of podcast listeners showed just how dedicated they are to the format. One in five (21%) said they listen to podcasts multiple times per day. And nearly as many (19%) said they listen to podcasts multiple times per week.
“If there’s one thing for sure, it’s that consumption of podcasts is indeed on the rise, making it an increasingly powerful vehicle for both marketing and branding,” said Vallejo.
While income doesn’t play a huge role in listening habits, geography seems to. Veritonic says Midwestern listeners were slightly more likely to be in the group that listens to several podcasts per day, while listeners in the Northeast and West had higher rates of listening multiple times per week.
“Those in the South tend to listen once per week or less,” said VP of Marketing Kristin Charron.
When asked which platform they are most likely to use to listen to a podcast, Veritonic says YouTube came in first (62%) followed by Spotify (39%) and Apple Podcasts and Amazon tied for third (31%).
“When you look at plaform usage by age, our survey data found that consumers 18-34 years old were aboute 26% more likely to use Spotify than other age groups,” said Vallejo. She said men were more likely to use Spotify, YouTube and Amazon Music to consume podcasts while both genders are equally as likely to use Apple Podcasts and NPR One.

The survey also asked podcast listeners about their smart speaker habits and 59% say they use the device on at least a monthly basis versus 41% who don’t use one at all. Charron said among those that do, 44% use Amazon Alexa, followed by 18% who use Google Nest, and 7% who use an Apple HomePod.
“Household income appears to influence smart speaker usage for households with income under $50,000. But amongst higher income brackets, smart speaker usage is consistent,” Charron said.
Geography is also a potential factor. “Our study findings show that people in the northeast are 12% more likely to use a smart speaker monthly than people in the West, where 49% of people don’t use smart speakers at all,” Charron said. Parents are also 13% more likely to use the device than those without children.
The online survey was conducted in May among 1,1011 adults aged 18 and older who consume podcasts. The survey was conducted only in English.