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Consumer Insights: Radio Is Where Employment Influencers Can Connect with Job Seekers.

The 9.3 million job openings in the U.S. during April 2021 (the latest data from the Department of Labor) is the most ever. With radio’s tremendous reach, those who influence recruitment/employment can connect with the millions looking for work as the pandemic wanes and businesses begin to reopen and they need to hire.

Data from five featured Spring 2021 consumer/market surveys conducted by The Media Audit shows most influencers on recruitment/employment are 25–64 or at least 85.0% in the featured markets in this article. In Houston (54.2%), Orlando (41.0%) and Pittsburgh (45.7%), the largest percentage are adults 25–44 while those 45–54 are the largest group in Phoenix (40.9%) and those 55–64 are the largest group in Sacramento (41.3%).

As the table below reveals, 84% or more of all these recruitment/employment influencers listen to some radio daily – and undoubtedly, much of it occurs during AM and PM drive time when they are more likely to be thinking about their recruitment challenges.

“Filling the millions of job openings is an absolute necessity to put the U.S. economy on a path of recovery and provide job seekers with the good jobs and income they need to support their families,” said Jill Medina, Southwest Market Manager, The Media Audit. “Radio is where employment recruiters and business owners can start the conversation with the mostly younger adults looking for work and complement it with digital media.”

The next table with the same five featured markets from The Media Audit’s Spring 2021 surveys focus on adults 18–44 as the primary age group currently seeking employment. They range from 84.8% in Phoenix to 59.7% in Houston, but significant percentages of adults in some of these markets are also unemployed and actively seeking work: Pittsburgh 50–64 30.5%, Houston 55–64 27.3%, Orlando 45–49 16.4% and Sacramento 55–64 14.0%.

Americans need jobs and employers need more workers, which leads to more wages, disposable income and consumer spending. Many of the current job openings are perfect for the millions of teenagers and young adults looking for summer employment and many of them are radio listeners, too.

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