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Case Study: Biden Radio Ads Having Positive Impact On Black Voter Sentiment.

As part of his reelection campaign, President Biden launched ads specifically targeting Black and Latino voters, on Black- and Hispanic-owned radio stations. According to a Katz study of Black voters in the key states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, the radio campaign is positively impacting voter sentiment with the intended audience.

As Inside Radio reported Oct. 4, the radio spots, are part of a $25 million, 16-week series of ads to reach Black and Latino voters more than a year ahead of the 2024 election. They represent the earliest-ever paid investment in Black and Hispanic radio for a Democratic reelection effort, according to the Biden campaign. The radio ads aim to remind Black and Latino voters of the good work the President has done that has benefited them over the past three years.

The Katz study found that Black voters in the swing states it surveyed are overwhelmingly receptive to the campaign: 70% of the Black Americans surveyed believe that it is smart for Biden to be using radio to remind them of why he deserves their vote.

Moreover, President Biden's current campaign is positively impacting voter sentiment and helping secure votes among Black Americans in swing states, Katz says in a brief case study posted on its Sound Answers blog. Black voters exposed to the radio campaign are 26% more likely to think Biden is doing a good job in office, compared to those who haven't heard the spots. And, if the presidential election was being held today, the radio campaign-exposed voters are 10% more likely to vote for Biden.

“Candidates using radio to target Black voters can be confident they are reaching receptive and responsive listeners in key markets,” Katz says. “And investing in radio early secures their place in a politically uncluttered environment where they are able to earn an outsized share of voice. Every percentage point counts during elections, and radio is proven to make a positive impact among Black voters.”

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